Municipal budgetary institution "Center of tourism and hospitality" of the Satka municipal district

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Tourism center in the Ural region

Satka district is one of the most beautiful corners of the Chelyabinsk region, with a huge natural resource potential, which contributes to the development of various types of tourism: cultural, educational, active, therapeutic, ecological, adventure, rural, as well as hunting and fishing. There are all conditions for recreation for people of different ages with different interests. The comfort of tourists' stay is created, among other things, by the municipal budget institution "Center for Tourism and Hospitality", which was opened in January 2015.

The main activity of the Center is:

- Information services for guests and residents of the area;

- Promotion of the tourism potential of the Satka region in the domestic and international markets of tourism services;

- Organization and conduct of events;

- Interaction with tourist organizations of the region;

- Production of souvenirs.

The Tourism and Hospitality Center is a navigator in the field of tourist services, which will welcome a traveler from any city in Russia and abroad, introduce him to the sights of the South Urals, help in choosing a hotel or recreation center, and choose a full tour or a separate excursion.